How to Win at Roulette: Best Strategies and Tactics

Roulette has been around for centuries, and throughout that time, players have been trying to find the ultimate way to beat the wheel. While the most effective betting strategies are well-known, the introduction of roulette crypto games has drawn in newcomers looking to boost their odds. If that sounds like you, our guide will prove useful. But even if you're quite skilled, don't leave just yet. There's always room for improvement, and our advanced tips are perfect for that.

Do Roulette Strategies Really Work?

Before we move on, let’s clarify one crucial aspect: no strategy can ensure a win in every round or decisively shift the odds in your favor. Roulette is a game of chance, and the casino always has the upper hand in the long run.

Yet, roulette allows for various playing styles. You can try for big wins or settle for small gains. Understanding these options is key to developing an optimal strategy. So, be sure to try different methods and find the one that suits you best!

Fixed Bet Strategies

If you're new to the game, start with fixed bet strategies, also known as non-progressive. Here, you choose a bet size and maintain it the whole session, which is both safer and simpler.

James Bond Strategy

James Bond was famously good at casino games, particularly roulette. By adopting a strategy named after the iconic spy, you can also boost your chances of winning. It focuses on covering a large part of the roulette wheel using the following scheme:

  • 70% on 19-36
  • 25% on 13-18
  • 5% on zero

This approach increases your win probability to above 67%, with only numbers 1 to 12 counting as losses. It keeps your balance stable, but the possible profit is limited since only one of the three bets can win.

James Bond Strategy

666 Strategy

There's nothing mystical about this roulette betting strategy, contrary to what the name might make you think. It's based on the sum of roulette wheel numbers, and we will cover nearly all of them. What’s more, we use 66 chips, and each win nets us an extra 6 chips.

  • Bet 36 chips on red
  • Put 4 chips on each of these splits: 0/2, 8/11, 10/13, 17/20, 26/29, and 28/31
  • Put 2 chips on the numbers 4, 22, and 33

This strategy covers about 90% of the wheel, leaving only 4 numbers as potential losses. Keep in mind, though, that despite the low risk, a single unsuccessful round could cause a big loss that's difficult to recover from. So, it's best to shift to other strategies after winning 4-5 rounds.

It is also worth noting that in live roulette online, you usually get just 20 seconds to place your bets. So, you'll need to act quickly to get all your chips in the right spots.

666 Strategy

Column Strategy

Column betting is straightforward and great for new players. Just select one of the zones on the right side of the table to bet on 12 numbers at once. The return on these bets is 2:1.

You can stick to one column or change them depending on your results. A popular strategy is to bet on the first and third columns, which covers 24 numbers. You can also bet on dozens instead of columns; the odds and payouts stay the same, but the numbers are arranged differently.

Column Strategy

150 Strategy

This is a variant of column betting with a higher win probability. The strategy’s name reflects the total chips you must put on the table:

  • Place 50 chips on each of two columns
  • For the third column, place 5 chips on each of 10 numbers

This leaves only three numbers where you might lose, with the chance of this happening around 8%. This method shares the same risks as the 666 strategy: you could lose a lot for relatively small gains, even though this is unlikely.

150 Strategy

Announced Bets

New players are often unfamiliar with announced bets. However, each of these stands as a strategy in itself.

  • Voisins de zero: Covers 17 numbers from 22 to 25, surrounding zero.
  • Jeu Zero: Includes 7 numbers around zero, from 12 to 15.
  • Orphelins: 8 numbers in the middle of the wheel, all equally distant from zero.
  • Tier: A sequence of 12 numbers from 33 to 27, located opposite zero.

Bitcoin live roulette includes a track that lets you make these bets in a single click. Players often stick to a specific bet without adding extra chips in the same round. But with the Orphelins bet, some choose to expand the range by also betting on 18, 22, 33, 16, 2, 25, 27, and 13.

Announced Bets

Progressive Strategies

Progressive roulette strategies require adjusting the bet based on your performance. They're popular since they give a chance to finish each session ahead. However, they expect you to have an unlimited bankroll, which is not the case. Therefore, it's advisable to start with small bets and maintain a good margin to improve your chances of winning.

Martingale Strategy

The Martingale system might be the most recognized gambling strategy, especially in roulette. It's simple yet effective.

You place bets on even odds, like red/black or 1-18/19-36. These pay out 1:1, essentially doubling your money, which is what you need for the Martingale strategy.

The core idea is to increase your bet two-fold each time you lose and return to the original amount once you win. This way, you can recover all the losses and gain a small profit equal to your initial bet.

Let's say you start with a $2 bet. Here's how the game might unfold.

Bet Outcome Profit/Loss
$2 Loss -$2
$4 Loss -$6
$8 Loss -$14
$16 Loss -$30
$32 Loss -$62
$64 Win $2
$2 Win $4
$2 Win $6

So, in this scenario, you won after six attempts, which is no surprise given there's a 97.87% chance of winning at least one of six bets. This makes the Martingale system so attractive: with a good bankroll, you generally come out on top.

But why then do some label it as a losing roulette system? Well, should you continue losing, the bets would rise to $128, $256, $512, etc., and that’s just to win $2. If you use the strategy consistently, it’s bound to happen at some point. Plus, table limits might stop you from doubling your bet after a few losses, no matter how much money you have.

The Martingale strategy can work, but you need a clear goal. Obviously, you don’t want to play just to win a minor bet, like $2, but it's better than losing everything. So, set a reasonable target, and remember, the longer you play, the more likely you are to lose.

Grand Martingale Strategy

Unfazed by the risks of the regular Martingale strategy? Then, try out the Grand Martingale!

The main idea remains the same, but now you add the initial bet amount along with doubling after each loss. Here’s how it looks:

Bet Outcome Profit/Loss
$2 Loss -$2
$6 Loss -$8
$14 Loss -$22
$30 Loss -$52
$62 Loss -$114
$126 Win $12

The advantage is that your profit isn’t just limited to a single initial bet. This makes it more intriguing, but the risks also increase faster. By the fifth step, you're betting nearly what you would only reach by the sixth in the regular Martingale.

D’Alembert Strategy

This system also requires you to adjust your bets based on results, but now it's more controlled.

In addition to setting your initial bet, you need to determine the increment for changing it. Raise the bet if you lose and lower it if you win by this amount. Let’s say your initial bet is $3 and you adjust by $1.

Bet Outcome Profit/Loss
$3 Loss -$3
$4 Win $1
$3 Win $4
$2 Loss $2
$3 Loss -$1
$4 Loss -$5
$5 Win $0

This tactic is rather contentious. Players using it presume that the likelihood of winning increases after a loss and decreases after a win. However, in online roulette, each round is independent of the last, making this belief unfounded.

If you're lucky, just collect your profits. If losses come first, wait until you have as many wins as losses. Yet, if the losses keep mounting, it's smart to accept them and leave the game.

Andrucci Strategy

Here is another strategy that relies on past outcomes, but even more intensively. This method involves observing the game for 30 rounds, while betting on even odds. During this time, keep track of the most frequent numbers. For the following 30 rounds, bet on these numbers, hoping they will show up again.

If you're looking for a system to pick numbers in roulette, the Andrucci strategy could work. But in fact, using this method doesn't change your odds of winning compared to simply betting on random numbers.

Fibonacci Strategy

This strategy relies on the Fibonacci sequence, where each following number is the sum of the two previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc.

Roulette players use this sequence to set their bet size. If you lose, move forward one number; if you win, move back two numbers.

Let's say you start with a $2 bet.

Bet Outcome Profit/Loss
$2 Loss -$2
$2 Loss -$4
$4 Loss -$8
$6 Loss -$14
$10 Win -$4
$4 Win $0
$2 Win $2

This strategy is considered less risky than the Martingale as it raises bets gradually, rather than doubling them each time. But like in the Martingale, you can come out ahead even with more losses than wins.

Paroli Strategy

This method is also known as the Reverse Martingale strategy, accurately reflecting its principle. Now, you double your bet after a win instead of a loss. Once you lose or win three times consecutively, return to the original bet size.

Here’s an example where we again start with a $2 bet.

Bet Outcome Profit/Loss
$2 Win $2
$4 Win $6
$8 Loss -$2
$2 Loss -$4
$2 Win -$2
$4 Win $2
$8 Win $10
$2 Loss $8

This system aims to maximize your profits when you win and cut your losses when you are unlucky.

Labouchère Strategy

This strategy involves setting a profit goal and dividing it into smaller parts. You then use the first and last numbers of the split to find out how much to bet. If you win, remove these numbers from your list. If you lose, add the lost amount to the end of the sequence.

Suppose your goal is to win $100. You could divide this target into the following numbers: 3, 20, 1, 6, 19, 21, 17, 7, 4, 2.

  1. Start with a $5 bet (3 + 2).
  2. If that wins, strike those numbers and bet $24 next (20 + 4).
  3. If you win again, place an $8 bet (1 + 7).
  4. Should you lose this time, add 8 to the end and bet $9 (1 + 8).

Keep going until you cross out every number, which means you've reached your goal.

Finding the Best Roulette Strategy

We've examined the most popular roulette strategies, and you might be excited to give them a go. Now, let's look at what should guide your choice.

Betting Limits

First, check if the game accommodates the strategy you intend to use. For example, if you're considering the 666 strategy but the game requires high minimum bets and your funds are limited, you can’t proceed.

The same goes for maximum table limits. If a progressive strategy like the Martingale makes you hit the limit after just a few doubles, it's wise to pick a different strategy or find a roulette table with higher limits.

Game Choice

European roulette is generally the default option for players. The double zero in American roulette not only cuts down your odds but also makes using strategies more challenging.

You should also be aware of recent live roulette variations that feature additional multipliers, such as Evolution Lightning series. These games typically offer lower payouts on straight-up bets, so they demand their own strategies and usual roulette methods may not work well.

Skill and Objectives

Choose a strategy that matches your skill level. Beginners might prefer fixed bet strategies, while experienced players often find progressive strategies more engaging.

Moreover, choose strategies that align with your personal objectives, which might differ every session. For instance, if you're feeling risky and aiming for big wins, try the Paroli system. If you're focused on a steady goal, the Labouchère strategy might be more appropriate.

Which Roulette Strategies to Learn First?

You probably don't want to limit yourself to just one strategy, and you shouldn't. Try different methods to find what works best for you. If we were new, we'd explore them in the following order:

  1. James Bond Strategy
  2. 150 Strategy
  3. D’Alembert Strategy
  4. Fibonacci Strategy
  5. Paroli Strategy
  6. Martingale Strategy
  7. Labouchère Strategy

Following this sequence, you'll start with simpler strategies and gradually tackle more complex ones, avoiding big jumps in risk. We’ve left out some strategies due to mixed opinions on their effectiveness, but you still might give them a try. Have a great time playing!

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