How to Win at Online Slots: Insider Tips and Secrets from Seasoned Players

One reason slots are so popular is the element of surprise. In blackjack, your success hinges on the cards dealt, and in roulette, on where the ball lands. For these games, we can clearly see which choices will lead to the best results over time.

Slots also have defined payout rules, but the winnings themselves are controlled by a random number generator (RNG) that remains a mystery to players. This makes it impossible to predict any single spin's outcome, and even over the long term, results can vary greatly among players. Nonetheless, there are effective slot strategies that can significantly boost your chances of winning.

How Online Slots Work

Knowing how slots operate is essential for success. Previously, slot machines were mechanical, and payouts were literally based on the reel alignment. Modern video slots at online casinos, while similar in gameplay, are fundamentally different in their inner workings. Here, winnings are decided first, and what appears on your screen is simply a visual representation of the result. In other words, as soon as the reels start spinning, the outcome is set and beyond your control.

This doesn't imply that recently developed casino games are less fair. In fact, players are now more protected than ever due to tighter regulation and thorough audits. Additionally, modern slots offer higher Return to Player (RTP) rates, improving your odds of winning.

Advanced Slots Strategies

We won’t waste your time with the usual advice on RTP importance or warnings against betting your last dollar. Instead, let’s explore the lesser-known tips for playing slots that truly make a difference.

Shared Money Pool Play

There's a belief that slot payouts come from a shared pool filled by all players' bets. Envision a slot with a jackpot that isn’t openly acknowledged. Although it's not proven, playing under this assumption doesn’t harm you.

Aim to play slots that currently hold more money. How do you find these slots? It's simple. Visit and check where the big streamers are losing now. Then, open the same game and try to win back the money they lost.

That's why choosing "hot" slots is usually a mistake. If someone just won big, it's likely the slot is empty. Your bets might just end up filling the pool for another player to win.

Shared Money Pool Play

Bet Sizing

Playing slots means engaging in long and exciting gaming sessions. Those who want to quickly double their money typically choose casino live baccarat or blackjack. With slots, the goal is to multiply your bet by hundreds or even thousands, so it's wise to bet small.

Determine your bet size by how much money you have. A good rule is to have enough for 100 bets when you start. So, if you have $500, betting $5 each round is sensible. You can later adjust your bets based on how well you're doing, or keep betting the same amount for the entire session.

Additionally, consider volatility when choosing your bet size. High risk slot games might bring greater rewards, but you might also face longer losing streaks. Conversely, low fluctuation slots have smaller payouts, so you need to bet more to win big. Always factor in the slot's specifics when setting your initial bet.

Slots offering direct bonus entry need a different strategy for bet sizing. Many players expect the bonus to pay back their investment and go all in, but this is often not the case. Focus on the max win instead. It could be 5000x the bet, with the bonus costing 100 bets, which is a 50x payout. In this case, it's best to have a reserve for 20 bonuses, as you still have a higher chance of recovering at least some of your investment compared to regular spins.

Gamble Option

Some slots include a gamble feature that can significantly increase your winnings. This allows you to double or quadruple the payout by selecting the right color or suit of a card.

Double-or-nothing slot games are notable because they level the playing field with the casino, essentially offering a 100% RTP. In some of these games, you need to guess the card that is higher than the one shown on the screen. If it's a deuce on screen, you get a risk-free chance to double your winnings.

Some players try to increase their winnings 6-7 times in a row. This method has merit. However, if your goal is to extend your playtime and land a big payout in the regular mode, it's better to limit yourself to 1-3 attempts and use this feature for smaller wins.

Gamble Option

Single Line Play

It's commonly recommended to bet on the maximum number of lines in any slot game. We challenge that view. Betting on just one line can be just as good a strategy.

With this method, don't expect to win often in the main game. Instead, you aim to benefit from bonus features. For instance, in Book of Ra-style slots, expanding symbols don't need to land on the active payline. Keep in mind, only certain modern slots offer line customization, so it's not an option for all games.

Single Line Play

Bonus Selection

In pick bonus slots, there are typically multiple options available for purchase with varying prices. It's smart to opt for the most expensive one, even if it means lowering your bet.

Both the highest and lowest priced bonuses have the potential for the max win. However, none of us have an infinite bankroll to keep buying cheap bonuses and realize their full potential. At the same time, this significantly decreases the chances for more modest payouts. On the other hand, the pricier bonuses give you a genuine shot at winning big.

Bonus Selection

Jackpot Hunt

The lesson is simple: if you don't bet big, progressive jackpot slots aren't for you. The odds of winning increase with higher bets, and most jackpots are claimed by players who wager $100-500 per spin. However, for the majority of players, the entire deposit amount will be less than that figure. Therefore, they play with nearly zero chances of winning the jackpot, while still contributing to it.

If your budget fits these slots, watch the jackpot size. Larger jackpots mean bigger potential wins and better chances, since slots usually award jackpots before hitting a set limit. This may even be mentioned in the game’s rules. But be aware, other high rollers will also join the game at these times, so make your move promptly.

Jackpot Hunt

New Slots

When a new slot comes out, it often seems easier to win, but it may be not as generous when you return later. There's a theory that providers set higher payout rates initially to lure players and then reduce them to normal levels.

Of course, they'll never admit this as it would upset their main customers, the online casinos. However, this trend does exist, so playing new slots can be beneficial for both the fun and winning potential.

Accumulative Bonus Slots

Steer clear of slot machines with an accumulative bonus, particularly those lacking a clear display of the bonus progress. For instance, you might see a pile of coins that keeps growing with every spin that doesn’t result in a bonus.

This growing pile is just an illusion used by developers to keep players hooked. Each slot machine has a set bonus frequency, like once every 100 spins. We tend to expect a bonus when the coins reach a peak, but that's not how it works. Sometimes, it can take another 300-500 spins to actually get the bonus.

Additionally, many players expect that the accumulated bonus will make up for their losses and turn a profit. However, these games still have a built-in house edge, and you could find yourself playing longer than you wish. Therefore, it's better to play regular slots where each spin has an equal chance of landing a bonus.

Accumulative Bonus Slots

Free Slots

Another tip often found in slot guides is to play for free before you bet real money. Generally, this is a good idea, as free slots let you experience the game's volatility, or how it behaves. Plus, this allows you to see how fun the gameplay is and if it's worth putting your money into.

Yet, it's not all simple. Take Amatic slots, for example, known for their high volatility and low win rates. When you play for free, it feels like the RTP jumps to 300%, and you hardly ever lose. That's why the developer only allows twenty free rounds per session.

Therefore, finding a slot that pays well in free mode doesn't guarantee it will pay the same in real money play.


Are there any tricks for winning at online slots?

Yes, some methods like playing alongside a well-known streamer or picking newly released slots can be effective. These aren't officially acknowledged, but many players find they work.

How do you pick the best slot?

Look for games that have an RTP higher than 95% and avoid ones with progressive jackpots or accumulative bonuses.

Should you change slots or play just one?

After a big win, make another 25 spins to test the slot's response. If you've found a winning slot, try a different game from the same provider, as wins often follow a pattern by developer.

Card shape